Saturday, March 16, 2013

Let's paint!

 This was Jacob's first time painting. He wasn't sure at first but with brother's help he figured it out!
This is how you do it....
Here, let me help.....

Our little girl Abbey

She truly is a part of our family. Michael loves her so incredibly much. In the morning when I get him from his room he asks where she is. When we get downstairs he runs to her room to greet her. Every day he loves on her, kissing and hugging her. She loves every minute. She tolerates him pulling her by the collar from room to room to play with him. She lets him use her as a pillow. She'll play catch with him the yard. She is his best friend. Just the other day he told me "Abby is a baby dog. I love her." And I know she loves him too. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2 1/2!

Michael is talking up a stom! He says all sorts of phrases that make me laugh every day! Just this morning when we were playing catch he decides to try and toss the ball into his glove but he can't do it very well. In frustration he throws his glove off and walks across the room with his arms crossed and says "I can't do it, it's not fair!"

He also hates it when I put my hair up in a pony tail. He tells me to 'fix' it. It looks 'yucky'!

I love when we go somewhere and Michael introduces himself "I Mocol, this is brother Jakey, this is Mama"

Another huge happening in our world with a 2 1/2 year old is potty training! He's been trained for over a month now. It was surprisingly easy! Now we have to figure out how to transition to the bog potty to mommy doesn't have to carry 'froggy potty' everywhere we go!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Duck time!

Feeding the ducks at the park is one of Michael's favorite things to do. Jacob's is just in awe of the ducks and all their quacking. We had a fun day today, walking around the lake, playing at the park, and watching the miniature horses walk by!