Friday, December 31, 2010

Dog Run

We just finished with the concrete work on the side of the house. Next Anthony has the task of installing a gate. When it's all done the dogs will have a great big place of their own to trash! As of right now, they have complete control over the back yard. It's impossible to even walk out there without rolling an ankle in one of the giant holes they dug much less do any yard work. Trust me, we have tried and within hours they have done their very best to ruin our hard work. I like to think they feel like they are helping us. :) Hopefully this spring, with the pups out of the way, we'll be able to have a nice backyard!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Michael's Papa John sent him an elf outfit to wear this Christmas. I have to say, he's the cutest little elf I've ever seen!

Meet the Risos

We went to the Nani and Nanu Riso's house this Christmas eve for their famous seafood dinner. It was delicious!!!! Michael met a big part of the Riso family and was passed around and adored by them all! He was extremely tired at the end of the night so he missed out on the opening of the presents and the horse races. Next year I'm sure he'll be up to it!

An Aptos Christmas!

The three of us headed to Aptos to spend Christmas eve brunch and Christmas morning with Anthony's parents and brother. We stayed in the new house they moved into which is actually Leslie's father's old home. Leslie's family come over for brunch on Christmas Eve and Bruce's family came over for Christmas dinner. It was great spending time with everyone and so special for us to introduce Michael to everyone!

In the Dog House

Abbey and Rudy got their Christmas gift a little early this year. We have to keep them out of the garage becuase they eat everything from chairs to the walls. To keep them warm and dry we gave them a doggie condo. We thought they would love it. Instead we watched the two of them stand in the pouring rain instead of cuddling up together in their new house! Anthony couldn't stand it so he told them to 'go home' and 'stay' in their house. I think it's safe to say they hated it! I don't know why!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4 Months!!!

Another month older! Where is the time going? Michael's milestones this month include:
1. Chewing on his hands and fists
2. Giggling out loud when tickled
3. Loves to watch Blue's Clues (he can watch an entire episode!)
4. He lifts his head up when on his back.
5. He's starting to get separation anxiety :/
6. taking longer naps!
7. Can play alone for a few minutes!
8. He loves to dance in front of the mirror before baths (It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Abbey & Rudy

Poor Abbey and Rudy, I haven't really included them in this journal like I should have. They are such a big part of the family, our first children really. Here are some cute shots of them this winter.

Love bug

Some cute pics of our little guy in December!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Candy Cane Lane

We wanted to go to Christmas Tree Lane in Fresno, but we opted for a low key night and headed to Clovis' version. It turned out to be a good choice. The lights were beautiful there wasn't a huge crowd. Michael fell asleep as soon as we started walking around, but Anthony and I had fun! The best part was I was able to use the new camera Anthony gave me for Christmas! Yes, we opened gifts two weeks early. :)

Shaver Lake

This weekend we went to Shaver Lake to spend time with the Kootstras. It was meant to be a great family vacation to relax, and enjoy. The time we spent together in the cabin was awesome. The place was so cozy and comfortable! We played games, watched movies, and Leslie and Bruce cooked a delicious dinner for everyone. The low part of the vacation, for Anthony and I at least, was caused by a massive 50 year storm that began to pass through the Sierras the night before we left. Not wanting to miss out, we packed our little sports car up, chains in tow thinking we would make it there in no time. After all, we are only an hour or so away from China Peak....wrong. We ended up hitting some insta-snow and pulling/sliding over to the side of the road. There Anthony tried to put the chains on the car. Unfortunately our car is so low he couldn't get his hands around the tires so the chains were not an option. From there we tried to turn around to go back down the hill. Unsuccessfully. We peeled out, burned out, and slid all over the road along with several other drivers. Some really nice people tried to help us by pushing our car, and even tying a rope to the front of the car, which snapped. Eventually we got some momentum after the rope snapped and slid down the hill for about a half mile, BACKWARDS. It was awful, Michale was a trooper, he only cried when I did. :) So we eventually turned around and made it to Shaver. There, we went to a gas station (the only one) and asked for permission to park in their lot behind the station, which we got. We even got a nice little note to put in the car! Bruce then picked us up and took us to the cabin. I thought our troubles were over there. But no. This morning the snow continued and we headed back to Shaver to get our car and avoid heavy snowfall, because as we learned the day before, our car is not capable. At all. Period. And when we got there....our car was missing.....better yet, it had been towed. Long story short, they thought our car had been there for four days! What?! Can they read the note? Oh well. We paid the fee and then had them tow us five miles down the hill past the snow line. So the trip was, well exhausting. I did however get some great shots of Michael and the family!