Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Babs helping around the house ;)

Since we found out about Abbey's condition, she's become the little princess around here! It's impossible to discipline her when she looks at you with those sweet brown eyes! We don't make her sleep in the crate every night so she sneaks up on the couch, and I even pretend not to see her sneak a few bites of cat food! Today when I was doing laundry I came out of the room to see she had made a bed out of the piles of clothes I had sorted. Did I kick her off? Of course not, I just did the laundry around her! SPOILED!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Abbey Girl

Our little girl is not feeling well. She's been limping off and on since September. When we first noticed it we took her to the vet and had an x-ray taken. No breaks, so we were told to quarantine her for a possible ligament tear. It was supposed to heal on it's own.

Well, months have passed and she has had the limp off and on the entire time. One day she is fine, the next day she can't put weight on it. So I took her to another vet for a second opinion. This time the diagnosis was completely different.

She has hip dysplasia in both hips, worse on the side she favors. She also has a mass in her right knee that is most likely a tumor or cancer. Hearing that was the most devastating news. We were not ready to hear what the vet told us. She is just a baby, barely three years old!

Our choices to the doc were clear; put her to sleep now, or wait and do it later. We chose to take her home and make her as comfortable as possible. She is taking some pretty strong pain medication that makes her as playful as ever. I hate knowing that our time with her is ticking away. I try not to think about not seeing her sweet, pouty little face every day. I am however very grateful to have more time with her and to be able to spoil her for as long as I can. She is the best pup I have ever had!