Tuesday, March 22, 2011

6 months! Half a year already!!!

Happy half-Brithday to Michael! He's the light of our lives! I can't believe how fast time is flying! Here are some milestones for the month:
  1. He can sit unsupported!
  2. He eats all kinds of food like squash, peas, chicken, carrots, rice, apples, and bananas!
  3. He can grab his toys
  4. Sit up in his high chair
  5. Cut his first tooth!

We have a crawler!!!

Michael has perfected his army crawl and can now make it about half way across the living room floor before he tires out! It is so cute, and amazing that only a few months ago he couldn't even grasp a toy! I mean, one day he starts sitting on his own and within a few weeks he's moving around on his own! Since he has discovered he can now move on his own, you can see him focus on something across the room and he just takes off after it. Now, he's not up on his knees going real fast. He's kind of doing a caterpillar wiggle. It looks quite exhausting. It's so cute when he gets tired out, he takes a little break by resting his head on the floor. It truly is time to baby-proof the house!