Saturday, September 24, 2011

More football!!

We went to Templeton to watch a high school football game last night. While we were there the game was paused for lightening twice so we ended up leaving after 30 min! Oh well, we had fun while we were there!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Playdate at the zoo!

I took Michael the Atascadero Zoo with a few moms and their kids in the Mom's club I joined. The zoo was really small and Michael really didn't know what we were looking at but he had a great time at the park with a couple ladies! :)

Garcia Wedding

Renee and Jose got married this past June and I completely forgot to write about it! It was a really pretty wedding in LA. Renee looked beautiful and so happy! It was the first time she or Jose had met Michael too :)

Good morning baby!

I just have to post this! How lucky am I to be greeted by this little man in the morning?

Its a boy!!!!

We're very happy to announce we are expecting another sweet baby boy!!! When the doctor shared the news Anthony and I were thrilled! I love my little Michael so much and I'm so happy he gets to have a little brother to grow up with!!


I love this phone! It takes such great pictures and it's so small I can take it anywhere so I'll never miss a moment :) Here are a few shots from the past few weeks!!!

Fall = Football

We took Michael to his first high school football game this past Friday and he loved it! He was in awe of the cheerleaders and their shiny pom-poms. Anthony would disagree and claim he was actually interested in the game, but yeah right! :) we had fun and I was amazed by how well Michael held up that late at night!

Morning walk

Since it's been so unbearably hot during our night walks Michael bear and I did a morning walk instead. I know I was taking a big risk because he usually sleeps in his stroller but I needed to get out and move! So off to the store we went, on the way back I decided to let him out to help push the stroller to keep him awake. Bad idea! He wanted to collect rocks and run all over people's yards instead. I ended up carrying him and pushing the stroller up the hill to our house! Not fun when you're almost 6 months pregnant!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hot summer days!!!

We've been experiencing a heat wave over the past few days! One day Michael and I took off to Morro Bay with Addyson and Laurel to escape the heat. I don't think it even reached 70 the entire day, it was AMAZING!

When we're home we have to find ways to cool off. There isn't a mall here with an indoor playground :( i wish), but we do have a kiddie pool and hose in our backyard that Michael loves to play with everyday! The hard part is keeping him occupied in the house until there is enough shade in the backyard to keep the sun from baking you! Just turn the hose on a bit and he's a happy camper for nearly an hour walking around trying to get the dogs and his Mama soaked!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Michael's one year pictures!

Since we don't have a local photographer now that we've moved I decided to give it a shot and take some myself. I think they turned out pretty good!!!