Sunday, February 26, 2012

Michael's stay in the hospital

Michael was acting fussy earlier in the week and we just assumed he was over tired. He didn't complain of pain anywhere and wasn't running a fever. Every time he woke up from his nap be was in good spirits again. The next day I noticed his ear was sticking out and there was redness and puffiness behind it. I called his pediatrician and took him to see her that day.

When she looked at it she said it was a severe ear infection that moved into the mastoid (the round hollow bone behind the ear) and it needed immediate attention. She admitted him to Sierra Vista hospital in SLO where he was started on IV antibiotics. After spending the night the doctor decided he needed a tube to be placed in his ear to relieve the pressure and help prevent future infection. We were hoping he would be able to come home later that night but the infection wasn't improving. He stayed another night in the hospital with his daddy by his side.

The next morning his grandma Leslie and I gave Anthony a break and took over. He started doing much better and even began to play. The nurses were so nice to him and played games with him! We finally left around 9 that night.

Now Michael has been home for two days and his ear looks great! The swelling is improving by the day and he is much happier. He's not out of the woods yet. The doctors will make the decision if he needs surgery in a few days. We're hoping he won't need it, our little guy has been through so much already!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some pictures from February


I just can't help it, I must take pictures of my boys constantly. Who can blame me? They're so adorable! Here are just a few of the hundreds of pictures I've taken.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pismo for the day

We made a day trip to Pismo today. We let Michael play in the sand and he met some little friends he played with. It was such a beautiful day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rock-a-bye baby

I only get a few short hours during the day to spend quality time with Jacob. Not that I don't give him any attention throughout the day, it's just that I'm giving him attention while i'm juggling making meals, preparing snacks and sippy cups, tracking down binkies, changing what feels like 200 diapers a day, burping baby, doing laundry, and kissing boo-boos(the list goes on).

During the few hours I get during Michael's nap time Jacob and I get to catch up. I feel guilty sometimes because Michael had my attention at all times at this age, so I try to make the most of our time. We cuddle, I listen to his coo's, smell his baby smell, and watch him sleep.

I am so in love with this baby boy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I took pictures of the boys in their valentine clothes today. It was the first time I allowed Michael to sit next to Jacob without someone nearby. I was nervous but he ended up being very gentle with him!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My boys lately

A weight has been lifted

A nurse from the Children's Hospital called today with Jacob's DNA results. We've anxiously waited to hear the news for over four weeks! She explained that his DNA tested negative for any metabolic disease! There were zero mutations in the DNA which means he isn't even a carrier!

I can't even begin to describe how relived I was to hear this news! I cried, and laughed with joy. I feel so fortunate that my little boy is healthy. It really puts your life in perspective after going through something like this.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I took these pictures off of my dad's camera when he was here. It's so weird to see Michael so small again! He's so adorable!