Friday, March 30, 2012


Michael and his friend Addy fed the ducks in Atascadero today. They had a good time trowing the bread off the dock!

Jacob is 3 months old!!

Our little Jakey Bear is really growing! I was so sad to have to pack up his newborn clothes, and three month clothes, and just this week his 6 month clothes! I can't believe he's over 16 pounds at three months! He's my little chunker! At three months Jacob can hold his head up, sit in his bumbo chair, squeals and talks on when on his play-mat, and laughs when you sing or make silly noises. He's constantly putting his little fists in his mouth so I'm thinking he's going to start teething soon. He isn't a huge fan of the swing anymore, he just wants to be held all of the time. He's a big cuddle bug. At night he wiggles closer to me and puts a hand on my arm. So sweet! We love him so much!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Splishy splashy in the sink!

Michael loves taking a bath but we have strict orders from his doctors to keep his ear dry. To keep them dry we can't put him in the big tub where he gets wild splashing water everywhere. So for the last week he's been in the sink and he loves it! He barely fits in there so it makes splashing around hard to do!

Crazy Hair!

Jake was born with sooo much hair! Babies usually loose a lot of what they are born with after they are born but not Jakey's! His has actually grown longer and thicker. His hair typically lays down but after a bath it's wild! We love fluffing it up and seeing all those pretty ringlets. I'm sure he won't appreciate these pictures when he's older, but I think they're adorable!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring has sprung

The sun is out and Michael is loving playing outside! For the past week we've been spending so much time outside playing with his slide, sandbox, water table, swing, and the puppies. Even Jake came outside to enjoy the nice weather!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Jakey is 2 months old!

My sweet little boy is two months old!! He can hold his head up, follow you with his eyes, squeal and coo, and smile the cutest smile you've ever seen!