Monday, April 30, 2012

Paso baby gym

Michael bear hasn't been to the gym since his daddy and I took him a few weeks after Jacob was born. He absolutely loves going, but I have been terrified at the thought of going alone with two kids in Atascadero so I've been putting it off.
My friend Heather invited us to the gym she takes her boys to in Paso. She offered her help with the boys and that eased my anxiety. Our first trip to the gym was a success! Michael had a blast and Jacob slept in his carrier. It is a challenge but totally worth it to see Michael having fun and making friends!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Photo Shoot!

Jacob tolerated me while I took some pictures of him to mark his three month birthday.

Had to laugh

I usually go about taking pictures of the boys all day long without actually looking at how the photo turns out. So I saw this pictures once is was uploaded to the computer and it is hysterical! Jacob's expression is priceless!

Great Great Grandparents

Grandma and Grandpa Pino finally met little Jacob! It's so sweet to see them hold him and incredible that they're Great Great Grandparents!!!

Happy Easter!

We went to Lancaster for Easter this year. This year was fun because Michael is old enough to enjoy the festivities. He had so much fun seeing what the Easter bunny put in his basket and he loved searching around his grandpa's yard for eggs. He insisted on opening each egg and eating the piece of candy before searching for the next. It was a very long egg hunt! hehe! Although he loved his Easter toys and candy, I think his favorite part of the trip was playing with all of the gardening tools around the yard!

Jacob in the tub!

Play date

Michael loves his Addy! He gets so excited when I tell him we're going bye-bye to see her. This time Addy came to our house and he didn't quite understand what I meant when I told him. He kept running to the door to go to her house!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Michael is 20 months!

Michael is such a big boy now! He loves airplanes, soccer balls, foot balls, and any kind of bouncy ball. He loves to play in the dirt, make a mess, and act like a wild man! He's also Mr. Independent and likes to tell his parents "no", but he is still very much affectionate, telling me this week he loves me! His sign language is now being replaced with actual words. He now says "more" and "thank you" while signing and is beginning to combine his words. He'll say things like "Bye Dada", "More food", or "Milk Please"!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I love my job!

It can be tough being home with two babies under two, but It's so worth it to be with them everyday! There's nothing I'd rather do more!