Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5 months old!!!

Jacob is doing so much a 5 months old! He can roll from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy! He's starting to hold his feet when he is on his back. He can sit supported, and likes to stand up on his little feet while you hold him. He is drooling and chewing on everything he can get his hands on. I can't believe he already working on teeth! He loves his excer-saucer and walker because he can wiggle around and kick his legs!
When he's tired and being rocked to sleep he starts to giggle! It's the sweetest giggle ever! He's quiet the mama's boy right now. He looks around for me when I leave the room and prefers mama to put him to bed.

He can grab toys that are put in front of him. He has a seriously strong grip. Earrings and hair are no match for him. You go in for a kiss and he grabs your hair and won't let go!