Monday, July 30, 2012

7 months old!

Jacob is 7 months old and as cute as ever! He's growing like a weed

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Mid-State Fair

This was our second year visiting the fair here in Paso. It was exciting for both of the boys! It was Jacob's first time going to the fair and seeing the animals! He's so little he really didn't think much of it, but he was a trooper and stayed in his stroller seat without a fuss. Michael actually knows what's going on now so it's exciting for Anthony and I to watch his eyes light up! He was obsessed with the Clydesdales. The rides were also a new treat for him. He really loved the carousel and little cars. His favorite part of the fair was the petting zoo. I took him in and he wanted me to hold him because he was so scared of the animals. After about ten minutes of holding him and letting him warm up to the animals he was hugging them (even the chickens)! When we had to go he firmly said "NO", but eventally gave in and left only after he hugged all of the animals goodbye!