Sunday, December 30, 2012

Newborn to twelve




Christmas Baby


I've heard from people with birthdays close to major holidays that they hate how jipped they feel when it comes to celebrations. Stories of how their Christmas presents doubled as their birthday present as well. That doesn't sit well with me. I want Jake to feel special on his special day no matter when it is. We did however push his party a couple weeks into January to give our guest (and ourselves) a little break after Christmas. Almost half of our guests typically travel two or more hours to see us. It's something people have to prepare for.

When Jacob's big day did arrive and he woke up a big one year old, we tried our best to make it a special day! We had breakfast waffles, complete with a candle. After breakfast we all drove to Pismo Beach dunes. Our friends Anna and Jeremy were camping there and invited us out. The boys played in the sand, and in their great big trailer. It was so much fun, minus the having to drive through a river and getting stuck in the sand...twice thing.

When our beach adventure ended and we made it home Jake had his very own and first birthday cake! He loved it!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Santa was in San Luis Obispo and we just had to make a trip to see him! As soon as we arrived we unloaded our giant stroller and all of our essentials for a quick outing (Approximately twenty pounds of wipes, diapers, sippy cups, diaper bag, camera, etc.), only to find out after I pushed them two blocks from our parked car that Santa's sleigh was stuck in the snow at the North Pole....until was only 12. 

Now, last year this would not have been a problem. This year is another story. Michael understands now. He's can no longer have his attention pulled in another direction once you've promised him something. See, we had been talking about seeing Santa all day. ALL DAY. And now I have to decide if I want to walk back uphill with my babies and convince my toddler that we'll come back to see Santa another time. I'm no dummy though. I knew as soon as I saw this sign I had a long road ahead of me. We waited. Two hours. That means I pushed my Caddilac of a stroller through the adorable stores with their adorable little aisles to keep my boys busy and happy. I couldn't take them to the park you see, they had their nice clothes on for Santa. :)

Now, we did make it to Santa's house. After a very, very long wait. (Santa was late by the way. 30 minutes late. I'm not holding grudges ;) We were the first in line. Michael was pounding on the door of Santa's house screaming his name. I didn't stop him. I beleive in that very moment my son was channeling my emotions.

This year went much better for Michael than it did last year. He actually talked with Santa and told him what he wanted for Christmas. A drum! Jacob on the other hand was upset. He didn't cry out loud but he wanted out of Santa's arms as soon as I set him down. The pictures turned out great. Michael loved it. It was worth it I think. At least it is off our holiday checklist!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Jingle Bells

I can't get enough of these cuties! I also can't believe they tolerate my obsession with taking their picture! :)