Saturday, May 7, 2011

California Warriors

The Warriors has been Anthony's baby for the past 7 months or so and his hard work is paying off! So far it looks like they will make playoffs! I'm so proud of him for putting this team together. He's more than a coach to these men, he's also the team manager, owner, taxi driver, and accountant. It ended up being way more involved and intense than either of us anticipated. So many guys depending on him in a league that is say the very least. There have been nights when he's on the phone until midnight arranging fields to play on , refs to hire, and players rides to games the night before game day.

I give him a hard time because I wish the team was less consuming, and I think he feels the same way too at this point, but I'm glad he did it. Not many people, especially at his age, would take on this huge endeavor. I'm proud that he works hard to achieve his dreams! Go Warriors!

Our Adventure!

I didn't think we'd ever leave Clovis, our home, and our friends. It's hard to believe, but we'll be moving at the end of this month! Here's how it all came about......Anthony went to his annual meeting in San Luis Obispo and in talking with a coworker he was told there was an opening for a marketer in the area. Anthony mentioned that he would love to live there because it is obviously so beautiful. He didn't think much of it, until he was called two days later and offered the job!!!!! He accepted and here we are!!!

The past week has been a whirlwind of emotions. First we were very excited to live at the coast. Anthony has always wanted to return to the weather and atmosphere he grew up in and I, well I've never imagined I would be so lucky to live near the ocean. After the initial excitement came a rush of fear and uncertainty. First of all, we just bought our home, our first home, and we absolutely LOVE it! When we bought it we thought it would be our home for at least 10 years. We've babied it, and made it our own, and it really feels like home. Then there are our friends. Rob and Brie, Moses and the neighbors we love.

We almost backed out until we realized this is an opportunity that we can't pass up. I was recently 'pink slipped' by Fresno Unified, so my career in this valley is uncertain. We don't have to sell our home, we can rent it and come back if things don't work out in SLO. Our friends can visit us or we can make the trip to Fresno. It would be a great environment to raise Michael, and a huge opportunity for Anthony professionally!

Now we're in the process of finding people to rent our house that our neighbors will like and won't destroy the house! :/ We have an even bigger task of finding a place to rent before the end of the month. Michael and I will have to stay with Rob and Brie the second week of June so I can finish out the end of the year with my kiddo's at school. Whhhew! We have a TON to do, but we very very excited!!!!!

Here are some pictures of our home sweet home!!!