Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stay at home mama!

I must be one of the luckiest mamas. School is back in session as of last week and...drum roll...I'm not returning! As of right now I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my baby boy, and little one on the way! Everyday I think about how lucky I am to be able to be the one to watch my baby grow, learn, and change. Having experienced what it was like to be a working mother I know how difficult it is to balance life and career and I personally had an ache in my heart everyday and it didn't get easier as time was passing.

I no longer have the feeling that I'm missing out on Michael's young life and I have my wonderful husband to thank! The move to Paso has provided an opportunity for me to stay home and take care of my family. Anthony knew how much I wanted to do this and he made it possible. Thank you babe, I love you so much! You're such a good daddy and husband! XOXO

I've been busy...and slacking!

My posts have been far and few between lately. When the move from Clovis began I was so busy with packing and the chaos that comes along with moving that I didn't keep up on this blog. It's really sad to me because I've missed a good three months of updating Michael's first year. I'm trying my best now to backtrack major events to fill in the gaps. So here is a gap in our story I need to fill....I found these pictures from when we were packing up our home in Clovis and some from when we moved into our new home in Paso Robles.

Just some cute pics over the last few months!!!

Library Fridays!

Every Friday Michael and I take a trip to the library for a little reading and singing class. He isn't totally sure yet what's happening but he likes to watch the other kids make the hands for the songs and sing along. After the class he plays with the puzzles and blocks with the other kids! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Pismo beach

This weekend we went to the beach....finally! We've lived here for three months and decided that we would pack up the car and actually do a beach day! We've taken Michael before but never actually packed lunch and an umbrella and done a REAL beach day. So we left Paso and arrived in Pismo around 10am. We have to get used to the fact that we only live a little over 30 minutes away and not 3 hours anymore! It was freezing! I contemplated buying a cocoa to warm up but luckily the sun broke trough and it turned out to be a beautiful day!

Michael entertained himself, playing in the sand, crawling after seagulls, and watching kids play near us.

First words!!

Michael his been saying 'dada' for months now buy I don't really count that since he calls everything dada! This month he's began to say 'bite' for a bite of food, 'ba' for binky, and 'all done' when he wants out of his highchair or swing at the park!

We have a walker!!!

Michael technically took his first steps over a month ago, but it wasn't until two days after his birthday that he actually began walking! It was so cute to see his little legs wabble back and forth as he managed to take his first stroll across the living room floor! It is so precious to see our little boy walk around like a big boy! Now that he's been moving for a few days he's gaining confidence and tries to pick up speed, which can be a little frightening! Especially since he is in love with every spatula, pair if tongs, and ladle he can find in the kitchen and insists on running with one in his hand! Hehe, he's such a silly boy!

Barney Park!!!

This park is the best we've found! Clean, soft sand, shade, and swings (Which I've learned are hard to come by!) . We spend a day or two a week here early in the morning before the heat of the day hits. Lately Michael loves playing in the sand and crawling through the tunnels. He has so much fun here!

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Play date

Michael and I went to the Children's Museum in Paso Robles this morning with our friends Laurel and Addyson. The kiddos had fun playing in the toddler room, ball pit, and grocery store pushing the carts around! I love that he has a friend his age to play with, even if they don't always get along :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy First Birthday Michael!!!

Michael is turning 1! I cannot believe it! It has been so amazing watching my little baby boy grow in to a big toddler (Even though he isn't toddling much yet!). We celebrated his birthday at home with family and friends. He had some of his old friends from Clovis visit and family travel to see him celebrate his big day! We even had our new friends in Paso join in on the fun!

He celebrated in style with a baby Micky theme with balloons, banners, cake, ice cream, hot dogs and hamburgers, bubble machine, and lots and lots of toys! With help from his Mama and some friends he figured out how to tear the paper of his gifts too! I would have to say his favorite gift of the day was his tool station from his Mimi. He was also given a sandbox and sand toys and a bead maze from his Mama and Dada. Kiddie tools, a NASCAR toy car to ride, a airplane he can pull around that plays music, books, and much much more!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chop Chop!

We took Michael to get his first haircut because he was looking kind of shaggy! He did so good when he was getting his hair cut, even when they used the clippers! Anthony shook a it puppy for him when he started to wiggle around, but other than that he was perfect! The best part is he still looked like a baby with his big boy hair cut!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lake Time!

We met up with the Kootstras for some fun at Lake Naciamento. The weather was so nice and Michael had fun playing in the sand and the water!