Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pumpkin patch take 1

Michael and I went to the pumpkin patch with our friends Laurel and her daughter Addy this week and it was...not fun! It's funny now but at the time Laurel and I were miserable.

The short version of a very trying three hours went something like this.....

Michael throws up all over himself in the car on the way to Laurels house. Daddy picks Michael up in the clean baby car seat to take him home, clean him up, and take his temperature. We pick Laurel up and drive to Avila beach. Michael screams the entire ride because he hates his seat. We get there and it's packed, hot, and swarming with bees! We can't find any of the moms that sent an RSVP for the event. We waited in the heat for the tractor hat took us to the pumpkin patch. We hop right back on the tractor ride once Michael fell on a pumpkin vine and had tons of invisible thorns in his hand and they kept falling all over the place. They both screamed the entire car ride home. Whew, so glad we went ;) The kids has a better time than the mamas did, that's for sure! Even though it was a disaster I am determined to make a successful trip to the pumpkin patch this fall! Wish me luck!

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