Monday, November 21, 2011

Sweet angel baby!

Michael is the most loving and adorable boy! He's been having a tough time sleeping at night because of all the teeth that are coming in and now I think he caught the cold I had this last week! Being congested and teething is not a good combination! So the last few nights I've been up three to four times a night help him sleep, change leaky diapers, etc. His daddy tries to help out but he usually fusses until I come and lay next to him.

It's exhausting, especially being that I'm pregnant and crawling out of my bed and into his and back again all night long is a work out with this large belly! There have been times in the middle of the night when I'm wide awake and trying to sneak out of his room when I think "how will I ever rest when I have a newborn and Michael still can't sleep through the night?" Then panic sets in when I realize Jacob will be here in about two months and I'm already sleep deprived! Haha! It's going to be an adventure that's for sure!

I'm really looking forward to it honestly. Life couldn't be better right now. I have an amazing husband, a little boy that I love so much and who loves me back, and very soon there will be another boy to love and cuddle!

This morning, after Michael woke up from sleeping 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep (so rare I had to fight the urge to check on him) I went into his room to get him. He stood up and grabbed his monkey stuffed animal I've been putting in bed with him, and he clumsily walked over to
me. We snuggled up on the couch and watched an episode of the 'wiggles'. He hugged the monkey the entire time! This is the first time he's ever attached to something other than his binky or mama, it was adorable!

I'm so lucky to be his mom.

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