Saturday, January 5, 2013

The big 1!!!


Sweet little Jacob will be one tomorrow! I cannot believe it. Didn't I just bring him home from the hospital? One year ago tonight my water broke and we headed to the hospital. The next morning we met our amazing little boy. Eight pounds, one ounce and nearly a month early. I'll never forget the special treatment Jacob received at the hospital because he was a "preemie". :) He had a head of thick black hair and was an instant momma's boy.

Fast forward one year to today.....Jacob took eight steps across the living room. (He was of course being bribed by his mother with food). He ate a plate full of chicken and veggies. He was splashing around like a wild man in the tub with his big brother. His excited squeal hurts your ears but he's too cute to hush. He drank a bottle of milk and after I rocked him for a few minutes he let me lay him down in his crib. No fussing. He was wide awake and content to watch the fishy projector on the ceiling.  Mr. Independent puts himself to sleep now.

My baby boy. He makes me so happy. Jacob is so lighthearted and silly. He puts up with his two year old brother's antics and rambunctiousness. He acts silly now to make us laugh. He laughs at himself. He tells you 'Hi' when you walk in the room while waving with both hands. He smiles with his whole face. He has a crooked grin. He is perfect.

Tomorrow morning, my little baby will be one. Happy Birthday my sweet angel! Mommy loves you!

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