Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking it easy!

So yesterday I went to the hospital for one of my many many many weekly appointments to check on the baby. When I say many, I mean 3 NST tests, one ultrasound, one OB, and a diabetes appointment PER WEEK! (Michael better appreciate all I'm doing for him already! ;) The ultrasound looked great so they sent me upstairs to do the NST test.

They had me all hooked up to the machines and the nurse told me the baby looked great, but my blood pressure was EXTREMELY high! Not surprising since it was high the day before at my OB appointment. But that was an easy fix then, just lay on your right side for 5 min and it goes down! So that's what should happen now, right?! WRONG! What was supposed to be a 20 minute test turned into 4 1/2 hours of checking my blood pressure, stuck on my left side, hooked up to machines that basically consist of having two seat belts wrapped around your giant gut with goo under them, having blood tests done, and waiting waiting waiting. I tried to explain to the nurse that the woman in the bed next to me that was moaning and crying with what seemed to be the worst pain of her life was making my blood pressure high but she wasn't convinced.

They told me that if the blood test came back abnormal they would induce me that night!!! My heart really started racing then, and the blood pressure went up! I couldn't imagine that I could be just like the woman in the bed next to me in just a few short hours! At that moment, I wanted to run out of that room seat belts an all! Anthony on the other hand looked as if he could leap up and do a giant heel-click! He couldn't wipe the smile off his face!

It turns out, at around 8:30, the blood tests came back normal and they let me go home. I have an appointment with my OB today to talk about what happened and what we're going to do about it. I took the day off of work, those poor students have only been in school for three days and I'm gone already! Not that I'm complaining, it's great to be home when I'm this huge and uncomfortable! I should be relaxing on the couch, but here I am blogging, and I just got back from the grocery store. I swear I only went because I had to check my blood pressure at the pharmacy! ;)

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