Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome home!

The first week home with Michael has been wonderful. Anthony and I are both very tired, but we've been doing ok taking naps when the baby sleeps or taking turns napping. We spend most of our time changing diapers, feeding, and holding the baby. I think I may have taken a thousand pictures of him, mostly sleeping. To anyone else they may all look the same, but to me they are all priceless. I want to capture every moment. It sort of makes me sad to think he will only be this small for a short time. I am looking forward to seeing him grow, finding out what he likes and dislikes, seeing what he will look like as he grows, taking his first steps, saying his first words, and I can go on and on.....

So far this week, here are some of Michael's firsts:
  • He smiled and cooed after a meal on his fourth day home.
  • He managed to go through 4 outfits in one day.
  • He is a champion eater (roughly every 2 hours with snacks in between)
  • He goes through about 10 diapers a day.
  • He has his mommy and daddy wrapped around his little finger.

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