Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bath Time!!!

Bath time didn't start off well....the second night we were home we decided to give Michael a bath. So we set the bathroom up with his little tub, washcloths, special baby soap, and.....he hated it! I had never seen him cry so hard or turn so red! It must have been the bright lights in the bathroom, or maybe he didn't like having his clothes taken off. Whatever it was, he ended bath time immediately! Michale's mommy has come up with a new bath time plan. I have to say, it works quite well! I just don't know if he's ever going to want to take a 'real' bath anytime soon. But I'm OK with that, it's kind of nice having this little bed-time ritual! So here's how it works.....Michael gets undressed to his diaper and wrapped up in his towel. Then is loving mother ;) gently washes his arms, then legs, then hair and face, then other parts, making sure that once she is finished washing the parts, they are quickly dried then covered so he doesn't catch a chill. (time consuming, yes, worth it to have a clean and happy baby, yes again!) Here are some adorable pics of Michael documenting the entire bath time experience.

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