Monday, November 29, 2010

My boy!

Just thought this was cute!

ND vs USC!

Anthony and I went on our first real outing together since Michael's arrival. Before he was born I bought tickets to the ND vs. USC game. My mom watched Michael for a total of 12 hours so we could go! It was the longest I had ever been away from my baby boy. Even though I missed him terribly, I had an awesome time with Anthony. We met up with his friend from high school and did some tailgating, then headed to the huge USC stadium. We sat in a section full of USC fans where people heckled us, but ND pulled it off and won, ending their 8 year losing streak against USC! It was amazing! The game was so exciting we stayed and sat in the pouring rain, which we were not dressed for at all! It was so much fun, I want to go every year!


I'm always taking pictures......


Michael loves to be held in his sling like a little kangaroo! He calms down right away if he's fussy and goes right to sleep!

Three Months Old!!

Our baby is three months old! He weights 16 pounds and is 26 inches long! I love him more everyday, he just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Michael is posing in one of the pictures with all of the clothes and toys his Papa John sent him!

Michael rolled over!

Michael was playing on his little play-yard on his tummy and I noticed he was leaning to one side. He's never done that before, so I ran and grabbed the video camera! I was lucky enough to capture his first time rolling over! I think it startled him a bit. You can see him start to pout right after he rolled over!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Massage

Michael and I went to our first baby massage class. I didn't know how he would like it, but he ended up loving it! He hasn't been around little babies since we've brought him home from the hospital so it was surprising to me how he interacted with the other baby there. The entire time they were getting massaged the two boys stared at each other. It was so cute. I wonder if this is Michael's first friend? ;)
Before the class was over Michael had completely fallen to sleep. PERFECT! That's one of the main reasons why I wanted to take the class. It supposedly helps with sleeping. So....we just finished with bath time right now and I thought i would try to give him a massage to help him go to sleep like it did earlier today. Well, that didn't go as well as I hoped. Our massage ended with a crying fit followed by him throwing up all over me. He is now in the sling sleeping but I know once i try to put him to bed he'll wake up instantly! I'm bound to find what this little guy likes eventually....right?

Michael goes to school....sort of

I went to Wishon last week to talk to introduce Michael to our office manager Chris and to talk to the Principal. Chris watched Michael while I was in the Principal's office and when I walked out this is what I saw! He looked like a little man, just answering phones and taking messages! I wish he could come with me when I go back to work in December! I bet Chris wouldn't mind :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting Creative

I found a great new website that will allow me to waste countless hours of my time if I'm not careful. Here's a look at what I made!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Babbling Brook

Michael is getting noisy! He makes super cute little coos and gurgles. My favorite is when he gets really excited he makes funny little screeching sounds!

Just some cute pics!

Big Boy!

I thought this picture was really cute of Michael in his Bumbo chair. He looks like a little man!

Go Giants!!

The Giants won the World Series and Michael thought he'd show some team spirit! Notice how he's holding his fingers. I'm pretty sure if he could he would say "We're Number One!"

Wiggle Worm!

I swear Michael is just going to get up one day and just crawl across the room! He's so strong that when you hold him, you have to hang on tight or he'll jump out of your arms! We have been doing Tummy time every day to build his strength and he loves it...for a few minutes at a time, then he throws a fit! :) I caught some cute pictures and video of our little guy exercising and trying to move around!

Gobble Gobble!

It's that time of the year. Time to look at what we have in our lives and be thankful for them. We have a lot to be thankful for this year!
1. We get to raise and love the most adorable little boy I know, Michael Anthony Riso!
2. We have been married for over a year!!! ;)
3. We have a great house to live in.
4. We both have awesome jobs.
5. We're healthy!
6. We don't ever go without.
7. We love our family and friends.
8. Weekends with Anthony and Michael.
9. Sleeping in and cuddling with my baby.
10. We have two of the cutest pups EVER!
11. We have each other. (that's the best one!)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I know I've said so before, but Michael REALLY loves to spend time outside. If he's fussy, all I have to to is take him outside to lie under our tree and he's happy! Here's some pictures from his time under the tree!

Mr. Personality

Now that he's two months old, Michael is really starting to show his personality! My favorite part of this age (besides being super cuddly and needy) is the way he has started to laugh. You can get the most smiles out of him early in the morning or right after he wakes up from a nap. Sometimes it comes out as a really loud squeak and sometimes he laughs so hard nothing comes out!

Happy Halloween

For Michael's first Halloween he was dressed up as an adorable puppy! Since he can't Trick-or-Treat yet, we let him wear his costume all day. :) Our little man was dressed up like a puppy from morning to night and he didn't seem to mind at all!