Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Massage

Michael and I went to our first baby massage class. I didn't know how he would like it, but he ended up loving it! He hasn't been around little babies since we've brought him home from the hospital so it was surprising to me how he interacted with the other baby there. The entire time they were getting massaged the two boys stared at each other. It was so cute. I wonder if this is Michael's first friend? ;)
Before the class was over Michael had completely fallen to sleep. PERFECT! That's one of the main reasons why I wanted to take the class. It supposedly helps with sleeping. So....we just finished with bath time right now and I thought i would try to give him a massage to help him go to sleep like it did earlier today. Well, that didn't go as well as I hoped. Our massage ended with a crying fit followed by him throwing up all over me. He is now in the sling sleeping but I know once i try to put him to bed he'll wake up instantly! I'm bound to find what this little guy likes eventually....right?

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