Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sleepy boy!

Michael hopped into his wagon today when I told him we were going to walk to the park. I was blabbing away to him the entire walk and as we reached the park I turn around to look at him and he's knocked out! The wagon looks so uncomfortable! How can kids do that?

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Mommy had her hands full with both boys this morning! I decided to take Michael outside to play while Jacob was napping. Playing outside in his jammies is a first for Michael! I was too exhausted to change him!

Nap time

I love nap time with this little guy!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Finger painting

Michael had his first experience finger painting and loved it! Afterward I thought it would be funny to wipe Michael's hands on his Daddy's face. Of course, Anthony took it to another level and rubbed the paint plate on my face!

I'll get him back when he least expects it! :)

Jakey Boy is one month old!!!!

Our littlest boy is one month old!!!! He's plumped up since we first brought him home. Here are some wonderful things about our sweet boy:

•He is a mellow baby so far. He sleeps so much during the day.

•There are a few hours where gets energy and waves his arms around and breathes really fast. He gets so excited!

• He's so noisy! He grunts all day! he also makes a grunt that sounds like a laugh. It's so funny!

• He eats and eats and eats all day long!

• That means I change diaper after diaper after diaper.

•His hair is still so dark, we think it may stay.

• His eyes are a grey/blue color.

• He has pouty little lips

• He's a little chunker! I love it!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Go Niners!!

Michael and his daddy watching football together. Anthony is starting him young! ;)

My boys!

I just love them so much!

Three weeks and still sick!

Poor little Michael Bear has been sick for three weeks now! He came down with a cold the night before Jacob and I came home from the hospital. He had an ear infection and cough. A week later he had a runny nose and started cutting a tooth. This weeks he still has the runny nose and had a fever. On top of it he broke out in heat rash all over his body!

It's hard enough for a 16 month old to become a big brother. Michael had to do that while he was sick! I hope he starts feeling better soon!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My phone....in the toilet

Michael thought my phone needed a bath last night so in the toilet it went! My attempt to keep Michael occupied as I was changing Jacob's diaper was a huge failure. I downloaded a toddler game for him to play while I was busy with baby and, it's obvious what he thought of that idea!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What a week!

Our little family has been through a lot over the last week. We were overjoyed with the arrival of Jacob! He came by surprise over three weeks early! Although he was a large baby, he was still considered premature and developed jaundice. When we took him to see his pediatrician for his first checkup a few days after his birth she was worried about his yellow skin color and sores in his throat. She sent us to the pediatric unit at the San Luis Obispo hospital immediately. I stayed there with Jacob from 11am to 9pm while he had blood tests and received light treatments for the jaundice.

It was so sad to see him having blood taken. He hated having to lay in the bassinet for hours too. We were finally able to go home as soon as his levels for jaundice were improving.

The next morning we went back to the pediatrician for a check up. The doctor hit us with more bad news. Yes, his jaundice looked better but he tested positive for a metabolic disease. The news was shocking and we were instantly worried about our little boy. We left immediately and had a DNA test done. We now have to wait three weeks to hear the results. We're hopeful the initial test was incorrect. Whatever the result of the DNA test, we know one thing for certain. We will love little Jacob no matter what. We are his parents and are committed to making our boy's lives the best they can be. We love them so much!

Christmas lights in Paso

I was really missing Christmas Tree Lane in Fresno this year but I think we may have found a new holiday tradition in Paso. We went to see the lights downtown and we had a really good time! People decorate their houses, pass out hot chocolate, put on holiday skits, and roast marshmallows in their front yards!

To Fresno and back!

I saw these pics on Ant's phone and was reminded of our crazy day trip to Fresno in early December. We had been wanting to have our car appraised and had been Invited to our friend Jace's 4th birthday party so we decided to make the trip and squeeze as much into the day as we could! Michael watched "Happy Feet" the entire way there (a major first!), we sold the car (yay!), met up with Rob and Brie, and made it to Jace's party! The pictures are evidence that we had some fun on this crazy day! :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Huggie Bear

Michael is the best cuddle bug! He knows how to give the best hugs now. It just melts my heart to feel those little arms wrapped around my neck!

Bonding with Jacob

I'm loving the midnight feedings and diaper changes with little guy!Even though I'm exhausted at that time I can't sleep because Jacob is wide awake! He sleeps so much during the day it's my chance to see him open his eyes, wiggle around, and make those sweet baby sounds! He's such an angel, I'm so in love with him!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Michael and his Grandma Leslie!

Leslie stayed with us for the first week after Jacob and I came home from the hospital. It was so nice having her here to help us.

The best part about her being with us is the time she was able to spend with Michael. It's a big adjustment for him having a new brother and having his grandma around to make sure his needs were met was wonderful. With mommy and daddy so busy with appointments and being exhausted, grandma played with Michael and gave him tons of attention when he wanted it. He loved having her here and so did I!

Life lately....according to my iphone pictures.