Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our little boy Jacob has arrived!!

I am unbelievably happy to announce the arrival of our little boy Jacob! He is sweet, cuddly, and adorable! He makes the most precious noises and smells so good. I am in love with him already!

He was delivered three weeks early, at 37 weeks. He was actually 36 weeks and 5 days making him premature by a day or so. Although he came so soon, he weighed a whopping 8 lbs 1 oz! Not huge, but very big for a preemie ;)

Here's how our night went leading up to Jacob's birthday.... The three if us went for our nightly walk and while we were walking Anthony and I talked about how exciting it was to have no idea when our baby was going to arrive! With Michael's pregnancy I had been so monitored we basically knew when the say was approaching. After we finished our walk I put Michael in bed stayed there with him until he fell asleep.

Once he did I rolled over and began looking at my phone to record the number of times Jacob was kicking (doctor's advice). He was always active after out night walks but this was unlike any other night I could remember. In 5 minutes counted 63 kicks. Just as I was thinking "he must have hiccups" I felt a pop and a water broke!!!!! I froze trying to process what just happened. Then I called Anthony on my phone and told him to come get me quick!

We called Laurel to watch Michael for us and off to the hospital we went! My water broke at 8, we were in the hospital by 9, and we had our sweet and handsome little boy Jacob at 4:53am!

Now we're home and adjusting to life with two little ones under two! We are so fortunate to have awesome friends and family that are willing to come help us! Poor Michael bear has a cold so we have to keep him away from Jacob. It's a real challenge being that he is very curious about him! He just looks at his little brother and tries to kiss him. I can't wait till he's feeling better so we can let him!

Jacob is proving to be incredibly sweet and mellow. He cries when his diaper and clothes are changed but other than that he just relaxes. He and his brother resemble each other but Jacob has some adorable features of his own. His nose is narrower than Michael's and he has fuller lips. His hair looks black, like Michael had as a newborn, but I have a feeling it may stay! He hasn't opened his eyes long enough for me to guess the color of his eyes, but I cant wait till he does. I think he looks a little like his mama!

We are so lucky to have Jacob in our family! He is one amazing little boy and we love him so much!

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