Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jakey is 9 months old!

My sweet little one, you're getting so big! So much has changed and we're loving every minute. You have four teeth, and drooling like crazy so we're expecting a new one to make a debut soon! You babble 'mama' although I'm not sure you know who or what that is. You are in need of your fourth haircut. You're eyes are still an amazing blue. You scrunch your nose and give the biggest smile when you are happy. Dancing is a new skill you've learned. Sitting on your bottom, you raise your arms in the air and bounce up and down. You have serious mommy attachment. Daddy gets so frustrated when he tries to help me out because you want only your mom to hold you. Michael is your favorite playmate! You get so excited when he wakes from his nap and when he gives you love.

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