Thursday, October 4, 2012

This has to stop!

It's been months since I've made any updates. I have tons of excuses. I feel like every spare second I have I spend trying to squeeze in a shower or a nap into by busy day. Taking care of two little ones is no joke. I honestly have very little downtime. I LOVE it, but once the week begins, I blink and it's nearly over. My only complaint is that because I'm so busy with life I am having a hard time documenting our family memories the way I would like to. I have, however, been keeping up on pictures. I'm hoping this will help me recall events when I actually do find the time. My mission from this day on is to devote at least an hour each week to catching up on the four months or so that I have slacked. It does not seem like much time, but in baby world it's huge!

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