Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our new pitstop

Shopping with two littles can be a nightmare when one or both decides they would rather scream, cry, whine, or tantrum. I'm always trying to figure out how to make these outings easier on everyone and make it out of the store alive! For one, the car/cart has saved me on more than one occasion but it's starting to loose it's charm with Michael. Starbucks treats have helped as well as games on my phone and letting him stack food in the basket while he sits in the cart. These all help but the incentive that has worked the best lately has been the horsey and car rides ouster of the store! All I had to do today is say to him "if you sit in the cart and behave while mommy is shopping you can ride the horsey outside!" And just like that, he was an angel! I just love when my bright ideas actually work!

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