Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween was fun this year for many reasons. For one, this was Jacob's first Halloween and being that he is a baby I can dress him in whatever I want. (I realize, sadly,  this won't last for long) Second, Michael understands more of what this holiday is about. He excitedly puts his costume on, believing he is the real Elmo. Third, this is our first Halloween in our new home. We had fun decorating our house outside and enjoyed passing candy out to the neighborhood kids. Our neighbors invited us to their Halloween party early in the evening so the kids could play games and start the fun early.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We took a couple trips to the pumpkin patch this year in Paso. The first trip I took by myself with the boys. We took a hay ride and then walked around to find the perfect pumpkins. We even set up the tripod to take some pictures of the three of us. That. Was. Difficult. To say the least. Those pictures are always hilarious but I've come to love them because it captures an accurate moment of what our lives are really like.

 On our second trip to the pumpkin patch we all went together. While we were walking around and watching Michael run around and fill up the wagon with every pumpkin he could find, I realized that just last year I was very pregnant with Jacob. Michael was so unsure of what to do and would rather have us pull him around and hold him. This year, Michael is pulling his little brother around in the wagon and picking a pumpkin out for him. What a difference a year makes. So many changes to our lives since then. Life was so good then, and it's even better now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sweet little things.....

Michael makes us laugh every day with the little things he says. When we count to three to warn him that he's about to be in trouble he chimes in and says "three!"

The new bit of cuteness has been his response to us asking what kind of food he would like. He very seriously says "dog food". Dog food? Where does he get that? Haha, he's so adorable!

Thursday, October 4, 2012