Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh no!!!

Michael went to the visit the doctor last week and he got his first round of vaccines. Today he had an other round. It was just Michael and I the first week and I felt so bad for him! I had to hold his little leg down while he got a shot in each thigh. He was really tough though and didn't cry. He only stuck his cute little bottom lip out for a second. I think I had a harder time than he did.

This time, we were waiting in the room waiting for the nurse to come in to give Michael his shots and in walks in Anthony! I know the shots aren't a big deal, but it was so nice for him to take time out of his day to come support me. Michael and I are very lucky to have him! :)

Everything with the shots went well so off the two of us went to my doctor appointment at the diabetes center. I couldn't understand why Michael was so fussy and uncomfortable in the waiting room. By the time the doctor called me to his office, Michael was so unhappy he was screaming and kicking his little legs! When we got to the car after the appointment I looked at his legs and they were red and swollen where he had his shots! Poor little guy! I felt awful for dragging him to the doctor when he didn't feel good. Once we got home we put warm washcloths on his legs to ease the pain and he felt much better. It will be SO helpful when he has words to tell us what is bothering him. Until then, it's just a guessing game! Another lesson in parenthood I guess!

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