Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sleepy time.....

I must be crazy, or maybe just sleep deprived, but I did the stupidest thing. Michael hasn't been sleeping well at night. He is only 7 weeks old, but I figured I must be doing something wrong because he doesn't seem to have a sleep pattern at all. So my brilliant idea was to keep Michael up ALL day so that by the time bedtime comes around he'll be ready to sleep a full 8 hours!

So the day was Saturday. Anthony had practice so I was on my own to make this 'sleep' plan happen. We started the day out watching TV. I put him in his bouncer, but it made him sleepy, so I took him out and put him in his swing. Same effect. We moved on to the floor where we played with his toys, again sleep, but this time followed by crying. Lots of crying! This continued well after Anthony returned home from practice. I was exhausted and dumbfounded as to what happened.

Later, after reading countless sleep articles online once Michael drifted off to sleep, did I realize that babies NEED to sleep during the day. According to these articles they need about 18 hours a day! My poor baby was deprived! Apparently the less a baby naps during the day, the harder it is for them so fall asleep because they become overtired! Who would have thought? Not this first-time-mom! I guess this is just part of the learning process. Poor Michael has to be the guinea pig in the experiment of motherhood!

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