Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time is flying by!!!!

Our sweet little boy is two months already! It's really hard to believe that it was only two months ago that we brought him home! It was then that we had NO idea what we were doing, just trying to make it hour to hour. But now, we know so much about our little guy! For one, he is the sweetest thing ever! He loves to eat, look at trees, look in the mirror, take baths, go for walks in his stroller, and to be held all day. He hates to sit in his car seat, to have his shirt taken off over his head, to be alone, and to take naps during the day. I could go on for days about his likes and dislikes, but those are the big ones.
The thing I love the most about Michael being two months old is that he smiles and laughs for long periods of time. In baby time that's only about five minutes and then he needs a nap. It is awesome to see your little baby so happy. It makes me feel like I'm doing things right because he's so happy! It may just be gas ;) Again, as I will every month until he is one year old, I have made Michael a 'month' onsie. Anthony and my mom joked that we should make Anthony one every month that said something like '374 months' and then have them pose together during the monthly photo shoots. I'm not sure that's a good idea! ha!

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