Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rubber Duckie

This picture was taken in early December. He doesn't fit in this little tub very well anymore so he's graduated to the big boy tub.

Weekend Fun!

We had so much fun today playing and making Michael laugh! He's at the age where he's starting to belly laugh at anything you do, play on his own with toys you give him, and best of all he's starting to cuddle back when you hold him! I can't get enough of that mohawk he has going on! Too cute!

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!!!

We took the dogs to the dog park for the first time since Michael's arrival. A long overdue trip. It was also the first time they had been in the Tahoe. They knew exactly where we were when we entered the park. They started whining with excitement! There were a ton of dogs there today. Rudy and Abbey both love the park, but for different reasons. Abbey likes to chase the little dogs around and whenever there is a fight, between large dogs especially, she likes to run over to them and put her little head in the fight. Literally. It can be unnerving when you hear dogs growling and barking and you see your little baby girl running to the fight like the nosy girl she is.

Rudy on the other hand loves the park for the people. He has made huge strides as far as his behavior since we last went. He used to run full speed at people and nail them in the gut if they gave him a smile or "he's so cute!" Today he showed more interest in the dogs although he did make a few human friends that gave him some love. He did, however, manage to knock a cellphone out a teenagers hand and cover his sleeve in slobber!

The highlight of the trip, for Anthony at least, was when Rudy proved to be a real man of a dog. Anthony has always given Rudy a hard time for being so mellow, passive, and oh so non-aggressive toward other 'bully' dogs. He always makes comments about how he'd get his butt kicked in a dog fight because he's too sweet.

So there was a boxer-mix that was territorial whenever anyone came near him or his toy. He already had a run at Abbey when she tried to chase down the same ball he was retrieving. Rudy happened to walk past this dog and the dog nipped his neck and charged him as he walked by. Ant and I both watched waiting for Rudy to run away but instead he let out a loud growl, chased the dog down and pinned him. It took the dog's owner and Anthony to break it up. Luckily no one was hurt.

Needless to say, both Rudy and Anthony left the park today with their heads a little higher and chests puffed up a little more than they were when we entered the park. ;)

Go Bears!!!

Michael was all dressed up for the big game today between Da Bears and the Packers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Play time with Mommy!

Michael is learning to play with his toys. He loves to watch when I drop his toys and they 'disappear' . My favorite is reading to him even though he has no idea what I'm saying.

Rolley Polley

Michael's new trick is grabbing his feet! He just started one day and now it's his favorite thing to do!

String bean!

He's growing like a weed and we needed to retire the adorable bear jackets Michael has been wearing this winter. When my mom came to visit we went to the mall to find him a bigger one, but no luck. Summer clothes are already coming out! We did however find the cutest 'big boy' jacket at The Children's Place that my mom had to get for him. She also bought him a GAP thermal, football slippers, and a rabbit stuffed animal. Oh and Michael managed to throw that bunny out of his stroller every ten minutes or so right under the front wheel. The worst part was when we realized he had also chucked his binky, and we didn't have backup!!!!

5 Months!!!

Here we are, my little boy is already five months! Almost half a year!!!! Here are his landmarks for the month:
  1. Can play with his toys (and throw them out of his stroller!)
  2. Had his first taste of rice cereal and milk.
  3. Screams like 'Happy Feet'
  4. Laughs at 'Peek-A-Boo'
  5. Can pull his binky out of his mouth and sometimes puts it back in!
  6. Gets frustrated when he can't accomplish something (like grabbing a toy)
  7. Plays in his baby activity center for about 15 minutes at a time!
  8. Snuggles (When we take naps together I sometimes wake up and he is on his side holding on to my arm :)
  9. Laughs at Abbey when she walks in the room.
  10. Leans forward when you help him sit up.
  11. Takes baths in the big tub because he's too long for the baby tub!
  12. Goes to school (sounds better than daycare to me ;)
  13. Is growing out of his 6 month clothes and fits into many of his 9 month outfits!
  14. Can grab his feet and pull them to his chest!

This month's far

Little Bear

I took this picture about a month ago and can't believe i haven't posted it yet because it must be one of my favorites by far. That's saying a lot considering the massive amount of pictures I take!

Michael's 1st time eating rice cereal!!

Michael is about five months now and he is only drinking milk. I was going to wait until he was six months old to give him rice cereal but he has been eying our food lately. When I put a spoon near his mouth he leans toward it. He can sit supported and has doubled his birth weight so we gave it a try! He was very unsure at first, making a funny face, but he eventually became very excited by the taste. At one point I couldn't pry the spoon from his fists! His tongue reflex is still very strong and he pushes most of the cereal out of his mouth, but at least he had fun with it! I think we'll wait a few more weeks and try again.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Grandma Paula

My mom came to Clovis to visit us this weekend. She spent time cuddling Michael, gave him a bath, changed his diapers and scared him with the silly noises she made at him! Toward the end of her time here she had him laughing and giggling! She despises having her picture taken but I don't think I care. I'm putting this up whether she likes it or not! Michael needs picture with his family!

Nakie boy!

He hated every moment of this! I couldn't even get a smile out of him!


Lisa came to visit from San Jose and met Michael for the first time! She brought him a very cute outfit and rocked him to sleep. Brie comes to visit Michael and I when the boys are at football practice.

We love our puppies

Not much to say, except they might be the best dogs ever!

Capture the moment

When we get a break from the gloomy overcast weather this time of year brings, I get a sudden urge to take a million pictures! And why not, I have the most adorable model! Michael just looked as cute as ever in his little jean jacket. His little pudgy legs had to be on display. I will be sad when those little rolls are all gone! As always......capture the moment!

Uh ohhh!

Michael got into trouble at school. Well, not really. Barbara, the wonderful woman that takes care of Michael when we're working, asked that we not hold Michael as much. She said she is having trouble even making the other children lunch because he wants to be held all day long. I can't say I'm surprised. He does the same thing when he is home and we either pick him up or give him a binky.

So this weekend, Anthony and I decided to try to give Michael more independent time on the carpet with his toys and not run to his rescue when he fusses. More often than not, there is nothing wrong with him. He simply wants to be held. I did my best, putting him down when I needed to get something done. He did pretty well. It took everything I had not to give him his binky when he started to whine and fuss. Basically, he I only let him lay there whining for about five minutes at a time before I would cave in. But hey, it's a start!

Right before we went for a walk this afternoon I decided to put him on the floor under his play yard while I got dressed and the dogs ready. I knew he would have a meltdown. (To avoid this I usually tote him around the house setting him down only long enough to put my shoes on before he cries out. I know. Stupid, right? I've created a little adorable monster! hehe :) Anyway I get dressed and hear him crying for me but I go on with getting ready. Suddenly I hear him stop and I feel triumphant! It is working! He is realizing that he can play on his own and doesn't need me to hold him 24/7! So as I round the corner to the living room to retrieve my brave boy, I see his daddy bouncing him on his lap! Anthony looked at me and said something like "he was really sad!" and we both laughed because we know this boy has us both completely wrapped!