Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!!!

We took the dogs to the dog park for the first time since Michael's arrival. A long overdue trip. It was also the first time they had been in the Tahoe. They knew exactly where we were when we entered the park. They started whining with excitement! There were a ton of dogs there today. Rudy and Abbey both love the park, but for different reasons. Abbey likes to chase the little dogs around and whenever there is a fight, between large dogs especially, she likes to run over to them and put her little head in the fight. Literally. It can be unnerving when you hear dogs growling and barking and you see your little baby girl running to the fight like the nosy girl she is.

Rudy on the other hand loves the park for the people. He has made huge strides as far as his behavior since we last went. He used to run full speed at people and nail them in the gut if they gave him a smile or "he's so cute!" Today he showed more interest in the dogs although he did make a few human friends that gave him some love. He did, however, manage to knock a cellphone out a teenagers hand and cover his sleeve in slobber!

The highlight of the trip, for Anthony at least, was when Rudy proved to be a real man of a dog. Anthony has always given Rudy a hard time for being so mellow, passive, and oh so non-aggressive toward other 'bully' dogs. He always makes comments about how he'd get his butt kicked in a dog fight because he's too sweet.

So there was a boxer-mix that was territorial whenever anyone came near him or his toy. He already had a run at Abbey when she tried to chase down the same ball he was retrieving. Rudy happened to walk past this dog and the dog nipped his neck and charged him as he walked by. Ant and I both watched waiting for Rudy to run away but instead he let out a loud growl, chased the dog down and pinned him. It took the dog's owner and Anthony to break it up. Luckily no one was hurt.

Needless to say, both Rudy and Anthony left the park today with their heads a little higher and chests puffed up a little more than they were when we entered the park. ;)

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