Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 Months!!!

Here we are, my little boy is already five months! Almost half a year!!!! Here are his landmarks for the month:
  1. Can play with his toys (and throw them out of his stroller!)
  2. Had his first taste of rice cereal and milk.
  3. Screams like 'Happy Feet'
  4. Laughs at 'Peek-A-Boo'
  5. Can pull his binky out of his mouth and sometimes puts it back in!
  6. Gets frustrated when he can't accomplish something (like grabbing a toy)
  7. Plays in his baby activity center for about 15 minutes at a time!
  8. Snuggles (When we take naps together I sometimes wake up and he is on his side holding on to my arm :)
  9. Laughs at Abbey when she walks in the room.
  10. Leans forward when you help him sit up.
  11. Takes baths in the big tub because he's too long for the baby tub!
  12. Goes to school (sounds better than daycare to me ;)
  13. Is growing out of his 6 month clothes and fits into many of his 9 month outfits!
  14. Can grab his feet and pull them to his chest!

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