Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bed time.....

Since we brought Michael home from the hospital (and even in the hospital!) he has primarily slept in our bed. I love to have him all snuggled up with us, and I know he loves it too. I especially love when he wakes up in the morning and he is giggling with happiness! We don't want him to be sleeping with us forever so we're trying to make him a little more of an independent sleeper. Well, sort of!

We used to spend an hour or so rocking him, or walking around with him until he fell asleep before we put him in bed. Our bed that is. Well it wasn't working out so well because what was happening was he would wake up as soon as we would put him down. Then we would have to hold him until we went to bed and sleep with him.

Anthony and I have started a bedtime routine where I give him a bath around 6:30, then a massage, then dressed, then a story, and then a feeding. Once we do the bedtime routine, he goes in his crib sleepy and goes to sleep with Anthony or I holding his hand or patting his back. The first few days we would have to go right back to his room to pick him up and sooth him back to sleep. Tonight he only needed us to go in his room twice to put his Binky back in! What a big boy! It's very nice to get 5-6 hours of sleep without my little man next to me. I do LOVE to cuddle with him, but when sleeping next to him you aren't completely in a deep sleep. At least I'm not. I'm making sure he's ok throughout the night. The best part about it is that he doesn't cry himself to sleep. We're there as soon as he needs us to help him go back to sleep. I CANNOT let my little boy cry his eyes out! It breaks my heart.

When he wakes up around midnight he does make his way back to bed. :) I think that for now, that's perfectly fine with us!

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