Monday, January 17, 2011

Uh ohhh!

Michael got into trouble at school. Well, not really. Barbara, the wonderful woman that takes care of Michael when we're working, asked that we not hold Michael as much. She said she is having trouble even making the other children lunch because he wants to be held all day long. I can't say I'm surprised. He does the same thing when he is home and we either pick him up or give him a binky.

So this weekend, Anthony and I decided to try to give Michael more independent time on the carpet with his toys and not run to his rescue when he fusses. More often than not, there is nothing wrong with him. He simply wants to be held. I did my best, putting him down when I needed to get something done. He did pretty well. It took everything I had not to give him his binky when he started to whine and fuss. Basically, he I only let him lay there whining for about five minutes at a time before I would cave in. But hey, it's a start!

Right before we went for a walk this afternoon I decided to put him on the floor under his play yard while I got dressed and the dogs ready. I knew he would have a meltdown. (To avoid this I usually tote him around the house setting him down only long enough to put my shoes on before he cries out. I know. Stupid, right? I've created a little adorable monster! hehe :) Anyway I get dressed and hear him crying for me but I go on with getting ready. Suddenly I hear him stop and I feel triumphant! It is working! He is realizing that he can play on his own and doesn't need me to hold him 24/7! So as I round the corner to the living room to retrieve my brave boy, I see his daddy bouncing him on his lap! Anthony looked at me and said something like "he was really sad!" and we both laughed because we know this boy has us both completely wrapped!

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